Man Jumps Out of Moving Vehicle on West Beauregard


SAN ANGELO, TX - At approximately 4:30 p.m. this afternoon, San Angelo Police were dispatched to the 2500 block of W. Beauregard for a major crash.

However, that call changed after officials learned a man jumped from a moving small red SUV, and suffered serious injuries. He is currently being transported to a local hospital for treatment.

A man jumps out of a moving vehicle on W. Beauregard (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

Officials are on scene investigating and speaking to witnesses. Please avoid the area as officials conduct their investigation.

LIVE! will provide more information when available.

Update: 4:55 p.m.

An officer at the scene told LIVE! that witnesses said the man who jumped out of the moving red SUV appeared to do so voluntarily. 

"The man voluntarily got out of the vehicle while [it] was going down the road, fell and hit his head," said the officer. "He's currently at Shannon."

As of now, the man's condition is unknown, and the officer did not release a possible motive for the man jumping out of the vehicle. However, he did say the man was in the SUV with three other people.

Officials are continuing to investigate the incident and will provide an update when available.

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Nana72, Tue, 10/25/2016 - 14:23

Big daddy you don't know the young man. There is nothing wrong him to start with and hisnt crazy enough to do this willing. So if you don't the story keep your opinion to your self.

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