While Temperatures Drop, Salvation Army Emergency Shelter Needs Sustainable Funding


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Salvation Army’s emergency shelter closed Feb. 28 and with temperatures expected to be in the teens Monday morning, Rust Street Ministries will temporarily house any homeless who need a place to stay.

In an interview Friday, Salvation Army Major Stan Carr said the Salvation Army has multiple programs in San Angelo which are still in operation, but the emergency shelter costs about $500,000 per year to operate and is in need of repair.

WATCH the entire interview with Major Stan Carr:

Carr says the shelter will remain closed until they can secure sustainable funding.  In the mean time, they have received funds to replace the roof, upgrade some of the kitchen equipment and do some painting.

Carr says since he made the announcement that the shelter would close, they have placed the 58 individuals in other shelters or in alternative housing.

When the emergency shelter reopens, Carr says it will operate as a 30 day rapid rehousing program which will assist clients in developing a housing plan and they will help clients work those plans.  Carr says they now have a new competent caseworker to assist individuals work their plans and apply for assistance that is available to them on an individual basis.

Carr says they need multiple partners to secure sustainable funding before reopening the shelter.

Carr says homeless individuals will be housed at Rust Street Ministries on days when the temperature goes below 39 degrees.  Rust Street’s shelter will house individuals from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and provide meals.

As we reported Friday, in preparation for anticipated inclement weather, Rust Street Ministries will open its facility at 803 Rust St. Sunday night to feed and shelter the homeless, San Angelo’s Homeless Coalition announced.

Rust Street Ministries will serve a meal from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Sunday. Afterward, it will offer shelter to those who have been fed for the duration of the cold spell. Homeless people can take advantage of that offer by arriving at Rust Street no later than 7 p.m.

Temperatures overnight Sunday are expected to fall below 20 degrees. Monday’s forecasted high is 39 degrees with an anticipated low of 20. Tuesday’s high temperature will be in the mid-40s and the low in the upper 20s.

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It is concerning that certain businesses get help from city council to keep their profits coming in but the homelessness shelter can’t keep it’s doors open to aid the truly needy. TIRZ or “tears” they call it is right. I shall never understand this city’s priorities!

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