Sherwood Way Restaurant Going from Rice & Fortune Cookies to Tacos & Chips & Salsa


SAN ANGELO, TX – A new Mexican restaurant is looking to open up at a high traffic area of Sherwood Way in the near future.

The former Lin's Chinese Buffett located at 4388 Sherwood Way will now become Alejandro's Kitchen and Tequila bar. Signs out front confirm that the restaurant will serve Mexican food. 

Lin's Chinese Buffett shut down in 2015. At the time the restaurant claimed to be doing renovations but a not on the door told otherwise. An orange 8.5" x 11" notice was posted on the door of Lin's at the time warning them to "Remove all feral cat crates." They never reopened.

More than half a decade later, crews are now transforming the building from oriental style to a western Tex Mex style. They have added outdoor decor including a number pump jack replicas.

The opening date has not been revealed at this time.

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Don’t need more Tex-Mex (it’s not really Mexican), they’re all over. We need new diverse stuff. Greek, Turkish, German (not wienerschnitchel the hotdog or Fredericksburg crappy German), Pakistani, anything other than the same stuff you can find anywhere.

Is this new restaurant owned by the same folks who have been operating Alejandra's for years in Ballinger?  I hope so!  Now I'm scratching my head because I think this question should've been answered in the article.  Ballinger isn't far away and a huge amount of folks from Ballinger shop, work and play in San Angelo and Alejandra's, along with Beefmasters, is almost always brought up in any conversation I've had about Ballinger restaurants.  Did the thought of addressing this question really occur to the writer?  I'm thinking that the writer was having a really bad day but nonetheless, I would like to know if the owners are the same folks because I love their food.   I've lived in Texas my entire life and while I've never lived in a city with such a high concentration of Tex-Mex restaurants, I've also never encountered so many Tex-Mex restaurants that are as blah as the majority of SA Tex-Mex restaurants.  One of the reasons I like Alejandra's in Ballinger?  Their refried beans.  They actually produce food with flavor.  They don't dull it down for the masses out of fear of offending someone.  Same goes for BBQ places and their pinto beans.  Most of the places here serve pinto beans in water but now Bubba's........their beans are special!!  They slap you with spice and it feels so great!

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