San Angelo's Only French Bakery Says Au revoir!


SAN ANGELO, TX – The only French Bakery in San Angelo is shutting down its ovens for good.

The following message is from the Paris Bakery:

Hello everyone, it is with a bit of emotion that we write this post to you. Paris Bakery will close permanently next Saturday. The founders who graduated last week will each follow their professional projects and therefore leave from San Angelo. It was a short but rich experience and we wanted to thank all our customers for the trust they gave us! However, for those who would like to taste our products one last time, we offer -20% discount on orders from the last week (May 15 to May 20). Place your orders here: or here : After that, we will sell our bakery equipment on Sunday, May 21. If you are interested in something, please contact us by Facebook or Instagram message. Thank you.

The Paris Bakery had just recently opened in February after two chefs from America and two international bakers teams up. Together the four would make Macaróns, Meringues, Choux a La Creme, and more. 

The four bakers – Shiean Walters, Dorian Leda, Oussama EL Bouchayby, and Simon Rey – all ran track and Angelo State University. Now that they have graduated, they will move on and make food in other parts of the state, country, and world.

NOTE: The owner of the bakery is Shiean Walters. The international students working with the bakery simply volunteered their time.

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