Is This Going to Be Longhorn Steakhouse?


SAN ANGELO, TX— Is this the beginning of Longhorn Steakhouse in San Angelo?

For several months at a time, Longhorn Steakhouse has been in the pending permits section of the Building and Inspections Report. The permit has been in the amount of $2,400,000, which would be high enough for a brand-new building. For comparison, the new Chick-Fil-A that opens on January 31, had a permit in the amount of $1,200,000.

While Longhorn Steakhouse has been in the pending permits before, they have dropped off the list in the past and reappeared in the July 2024 report.

Now, at the address listed, 3980 Loop 306, construction crews have just begun preparing the ground for work and it could be Longhorn Steakhouse. Chili’s Bar and Grill has an address listed at 3950 Loop 306, which would put Longhorn Steakhouse in that approximate area.

Longhorn Steakhouse still has a pending permit but past projects have begun work then been approved.

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If it is a steakhouse then they better be able to get top choice beef or they will be just another flop. 

Abilene receives the first Stargate AI data facility. We get a Longhorn steakhouse and a Chick-fil-A. Just another example of San Angelo not being comparable to other cities.

The streets are already full of government employees, disguised within the population, testing recreational drugs for quality and performance. These are good paying jobs with obvious perks. What are you complaining about?

Rita, you're nuts !!  This is one of the best replies you've ever had !! I'm actually gonna steal this !  A perfect analogy......

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