Police: Drunk Woman Rumbles Around College Hills in a Red Tundra With No Tire


A suspect drove a vehicle up and into a driveway at a high rate of speed, performed some donuts and lost its tire. Then she fled. At least that's what police said they were told.

According to San Angelo police, at approximately 1:15 p.m. a concerned citizen followed the vehicle and called back to police dispatch that a red Toyota Tundra was traveling down Vista Del Arroyo without a tire. The citizen relayed the license plate back to dispatch.

[[{"fid":"17611","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: A red Toyota Tundra rumbled around with a drunk driving it and no tire, police said. (LIVE! Photo/Simone Brooks)

Police rolled in on the Tundra with lights and sirens at the intersection of Vista del Arroyo and College Hills Blvd. and the female driver pulled over without incident.

Police arrested the driver for driving while intoxicated. The suspect refused a Breathalyzer test at the scene, but failed the field sobriety test, police said.

Police are continuing their investigation at the original scene on A&M Ave. where the Tundra was reported to have lost its tire while the driver was performing donuts. This could lead to more charges against the Tundra driver, depending upon the investigation’s outcome.

We went to the A&M Ave. location where the incident was reported to have taken place, but didn’t see any major damage in a cursory peek. But we did see marks in the street that could have been created by the tireless wheel.

[[{"fid":"17612","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: The white lines are where the wheel of the tireless Tundra tore up A&M Ave. (LIVE! Photo/Simone Brooks)

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