Man Caught for the Third Time Driving Under the Influence


ODESSA, TEXAS – An Odessa man has been arrested for a third time for driving while intoxicated.


Earlier this week, Odessa police responded to a motor vehicle accident in Odessa Sunday evening. Upon arrival, dispatch advised officers that the driver of the involved Ford F-15 had fled the scene. The driver, Ronnie Field Boren, 37, had fled the scene headed southbound through a nearby alley way. The Odessa police caught Boren shortly thereafter.


Boren was taken into custody and charged for driving while intoxicated after failing a sobriety test. Interestingly, Boren was not charged for fleeing the scene.


NewsWest9’s records show that, Ronnie Field Boren, 37, has had two prior DWI convictions out of Ector County. 

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