Motorcyclist Struck by Vehicle in San Angelo

SAN ANGELO, TX — A motorcyclist was struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Sherwood Way and Loop 306 near Lowes just after 3:30 p.m. Sunday. 

The motorcyclist was initially believed to be unconscious following the crash, according to dispatch audio. Emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene shortly after and found that the individual was breathing. Information regarding the extent of the injuries has not been released.

Traffic in the area was heavily impacted as officers worked to clear the scene. The San Angelo Police Department issued a public advisory just before 3:50 p.m., telling motorists to avoid Sherwood Way and Loop 306 Frontage Road due to the crash.

It appeared that multiple vehicles were involved, though the exact cause of the crash remains unknown. 

As the crash unfolded, San Angelo LIVE! reporters also covered a separate rollover crash that occurred around the same time. 

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