3 Arrested After High-Speed Chase in San Angelo


Three suspects in a four-door sedan led San Angelo police on a high-speed chase that started at 10:50 p.m. in the northeast side of the city. Police said that speeds averaged 70-80 mph as the chase proceeded westbound along 306 which exited onto 7th Street, the westbound access road to the Houston Harte Expressway.

[[{"fid":"15469","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Two of the suspects were transported to the hospital, complaining of minor injuries, police said. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","title":"Two of the suspects were transported to the hospital, complaining of minor injuries, police said. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","height":"679","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: Two of the suspects were transported to the hospital, complaining of minor injuries, police said. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

As the fleeing suspects crossed Chadbourne St., police said that the driver lost control. The car crashed near Irving St. into a grassy area. After the car came to a stop, all three suspects fled on foot. The police officer arriving first said that the crash kicked up a considerable amount of dust, making initial tracking of the fleeing suspects difficult. In very short order, however, the officer apprehended two as they were crossing 7th St. One laid down in the roadway to surrender. The other had to be taken down.

[[{"fid":"15470","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"A wide view of the crash scene just after the police captured the third suspect who fled on foot. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","title":"A wide view of the crash scene just after the police captured the third suspect who fled on foot. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","height":"679","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: A wide view of the crash scene just after the police captured the third suspect who fled on foot. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

A third suspect got away, and police set up a search perimeter to find him. Two K9 units were brought to the scene. Within minutes of his arrival, the K9 named Vader found the third suspect about three blocks north of the crash scene.

How it Began

Police said that one unit was conducting surveillance on a suspected drug house earlier Tuesday evening. The vehicle that eventually fled police backed out of the driveway, and the surveillance police unit trailed it until the officer detected a traffic violation. The chase began when the officer attempted to pull over the vehicle.

The final resting place of the vehicle that led police on a high-speed chase down the Houston Harte access road Tuesday night. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Above: The final resting place of the vehicle that led police on a high-speed chase down the Houston Harte access road Tuesday night. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Two suspects were sent to the hospital with what police described as minor, non-incapacitating injuries. The third suspect was booked into the Tom Green County Jail. Police said that charges so far will be evading in a vehicle and at least one of the suspects will be charged with evading on foot. As of midnight, no drugs were found, but there was drug paraphernalia recovered from the vehicle, police said.

The suspects were two males, one in his 40s and the other in his 20s, and one female in her 20s. No names were released as of midnight.

More information may be available Wednesday morning.

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The surveillance unit followed them until the detected a traffic violation? Yeah right. I bet that "traffic violation" will not even be brought up in court. They had no just cause to follow this vehicle. Citizens rights are being taken away from them.

Because law abiding citizens run when police attempt to pull them over.

Just cause? They just left a known drug house that was under surveillance! Geez, grow up.....

Cops should not be allowed to follow citizens, and wait for them to make a mistake. The law enforcement officers knew they were going to stop them, regardless. Guilty until proven innocent. Its just wrong.

If you don't have children yet, please don't. "Well he's got guns, gloves, and a ski mask under his mattress, but I haven't SEEN him doing anything wrong.... nahhh, my son is completely innocent. I should respect his right to privacy."

Anyway, if you are going to A DRUG DEALER'S HOUSE, you are assuming a certain degree of risk. Being surveilled by the police was the least of their worries. As far as I'm concerned they made out like bandits.

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