Counterfeit H-E-B Coupon Circulates Across Social Media


Yesterday, Facebook and Twitter users got a nice surprise. A 50 percent off coupon at H-E-B appeared on many screens, so people printed them out and some attempted to use at the San Antonio-based grocery store across Texas; however, they soon learned those so-called holiday shopping coupons wouldn’t scan.

They wouldn’t scan because that coupon is a scam.

“We did become aware of that Facebook coupon, and it is not a coupon that we authorized,” said Jay Vanklaveren, store director of H-E-B in San Angelo. “To our knowledge, that is a counterfeit coupon that surfaced. It is not a coupon provided by H-E-B, so it’s not a coupon that will be honored at the store.”

The coupon post that circulated Saturday on social media asked people to like and share the post so people could get their coupon. According to, a similar scam of 40 percent off coupons for retailers including Costco, Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart and Kroger are also circulating social media.

Vanklaveren said some people in San Angelo did attempt to use the counterfeit coupon, but it didn't scan. He added that anytime a coupon is presented, it has to be scanned to be redeemed.

The director stated, “We do have a coupon policy we’re refreshing all of our partners on and making them aware of.”

Unfortunately, scams of this nature have plagued West Texas for the past several weeks.

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How is this a scam? The definition of a scam is to swindle someone out of money. This just looks like a silly practical joke.

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