Jury Finds Rittenhouse Not Guilty on All Counts; Kenosha Braces for Leftist Violence


KENOSHA, WI – A Wisconsin jury found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges after the teen shot & killed two people protecting himself during a riot and left-wing activitists have threatened violent protests in response.  

According to reports, Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges against him Friday, including intentional homicide – the most serious of five charges against him in a case that largely divided America along political and racial lines more than a year after he shot three men during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse stood before the jury as the verdict was read. As each not guilty verdict was read, Rittenhouse started to cry. By the last verdict, he appeared to collapse. He was helped up and given water. Rittenhouse then hugged one of his attorneys.

Rittenhouse fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz during often violent protests in the summer of 2020 following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse, 17 at the time, faced charges ranging from intentional homicide to reckless and attempted homicide. 

Reactions to the trial were just as politicized, and earlier this week, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers authorized the deployment of 500 national guard troops to Kenosha to be on standby ahead of the verdict.

This is a developing story.  

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This whole Rittenhouse thing is infuriating.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a brain-dead little bastard whose parents apparently never told him to not do stupid things.  They might have thrown in not to handle highly lethal weapons about which he knew nothing other than "They look cool."

He is an idiot.  He had no business getting hold of a military-style weapon.  His ignorance of the weapon and its ammunition (duh, what does full metal jacket mean?) screams this.  He had no maturity, knowledge, or training that might have prepared him to go into a situation like Kenosha and play any meaningful role.  Had he an IQ greater than that of a turnip he would have known this.  He made the situation there worse, and he remains ignorant and unrepentant of the damage he has done.  I have no bloody sympathy for him and do not wish him well.

I also loathe the Right's embracing of him as a hero.  The case simply serves to illuminate the logical and moral decrepitude that has embraced the Right.  The Right has become a sterling example of the vacuous infectious mindset that has brought down other formally admirable societies.  It brings to mind the dystopian world portrayed in "The Handmaid's Tale".  In that hideous world I see far too many similarities between Gilead and the world so many in the Right would like to create here.

I weep for what I see our nation's possibly becoming.

You have to be the dumbest person on earth. Don't worry we all loathe you, and it's funny you blame the right just like meme, when you all know it's the lefts fault for the degradation of our countries moral fabric. 

"Loathed" by morons?  Actually, that pleases me, and tells me I have done well.  As an aside, you should work on the use of the apostrophe.

Image removed.But those Trumpers, they REALLY damaged Pelosi's office and one stole her lecturn!!   Gimme a break.  And I'm sure everyone who started these fires has been in solitary confinement in the DC jail for 8 months with their medication withheld, right?  No wait, KAMALA BAILED THEM OUT.  

The republicans just play the patsy, but they're out for the same goals.  Protect their positions of power and get rich doing it.  That'll ingratiate them with Klaus Anal Schwab at the World Economic Forum.  

"You'll own nothing by 2024, and you'll be happy".  Yeah, ok. 

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