Jury Trial Set for Dude Accused of Social Media Revenge P0rn


SAN ANGELO— A jury trial has been arranged for a San Angelo man who created a fake social media prolife to intimidate, threaten, and harm his ex-girlfriend.

Andres Andrade, 47, was in court today for a bond hearing after he created fake social media profiles to embarrass, threaten, and intimidate his ex.

According to court documents, on July 25, 2023, the ex-girlfriend filed a police report online where she claimed that Andrade made at least two fake social media profiles one on Instagram and the other on Facebook. In the report, she said that Andrade posted lewd images of her, threaten to rape her, talked about committing property damage to her vehicle, and contacted her family.

The woman never maintained or create the profiles. Along with the profiles, she also brought text messages between her and Andrade and images that were shared between the two during the relationship.

The fake Instagram profile sent her lewd images of herself and in the text message, Andrade allegedly threaten to release the images on social media sites. The woman observed the images and was unaware she was being recorded at the time and the only person who could have the images were Andrade.

On September 5, 2023, the fake Facebook account posted three images which depicted identifying information.

In an interview, she explained that she was in constant fear of Andrade because of the continuous acts and threats.

Andrade was arrested on September 8, 2023, and has been an inmate inside the Tom Green County Jail since on a $310,000 bond. Andrade was indicted in November 2023 and his jury trial is currently set for June 6, 2024.

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