The Junior League of San Angelo Hosts 7th Anuual Western Dance


The Junior League of San Angelo is hosting the 7th Annual Western Dance on Jan. 30, said a press release Friday. The dance will be held at The Historic Fort Concho Stables and the doors will open at 6 p.m.

Dinner, catered by McGowan's BBQ, will be served at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will enjoy complimentary beer and wine while playing casino games such as poker and black jack. There will be a live and silent auction and entertainment by the Mike McClure Band, which is presented by Blaine's Pub.

Tickets are currently on sale at Blaine's Pub and In Vino Veritas or at Individual tickets are $60, and general admission tables for 10 are $600. VIP tables were sold out in less than two weeks.

Proceeds from this event will help to fund community projects such as, Children's Literacy Project, Kids in the Kitchen, Done in a Day, and Student Closet.

According to the press release, the Junior League of San Angelo was founded in 1946 and has developed 26 legacy programs, including the West Texas Rehab Audiological Suite, Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding, and Hospice. Each year, JLSA's 400 Active, Provisional and Sustaining member volunteer more than 18,000 hours through various projects, in-house committees, and fundraisers in the San Angelo community.

The Junior League of San Angelo is an organization of women  committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

For more information, contact JLSA's Communications Chairman, Kristen Brockman, at 432-413-4718 or [email protected].

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