Insane Inflatable 5K is Coming to San Angelo


The Insane Inflatable 5K is coming to San Angelo on March 12, 2016, said a press release Wednesday. It is a dynamic fun run series made up of inflatable obstacles that has been taking place in over 115 cities across the United States. It will be sponsored by All American Chevrolet and Michelob Ultra.

The Insane Inflatable 5K is designed to be accessible to everybody from competitive runners, weekend warriors, and even those "armchair" athletes looking to try something fun and new. The course is approximately 3 miles long and incorporates 11+ extreme inflatable obstacles throughout the unique terrain of the San Angelo Fairgrounds.

The signature inflatables range in size and complexity, including "Mad House," "Jump Around," and "Finish Line." Six new obstacles will be added for 2016.

According to the press release, the Insane Inflatable 5K will also have a "Midway" where participants can enjoy games, food, beverages, merchandise, and swag from local vendors and sponsors. Additionally, the event will give back to the community, designating a portion of the proceeds from the race to American Cancer Society and the SASSAR Scholarship fund.

The event will be taking place at the San Angelo Fairgrounds, March 12, 2016, and will kick off at 8:30 a.m. with the first wave. Additional waves will run concurrently until noon or 1 p.m.

Registration fees, which include an event T-shirt and medal upon completion, range from $49 for advance registration to $75 fro day of event registration. Children must be at least 42" tall to participate.

For more information and to register, please visit


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