This Friday The Mullet Boyz Take Over Shenanigans Sports Bar


Get ready San Angeloans, the Mullet Boyz return to town Friday, June 10, and will be taking the Shenanigans Sports Bar stage by storm at 9 p.m.  

Hailing from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, this band is not only a rock act/part comedy show, but the members also put on some choreographed numbers sure to mesmerize, or even shock a first timer. With a variety of costumes, they may be outfitted as "glam rockers" with mullets, big mustaches, and fanny packs; or, they may don anything from track suits to short shorts and boas. Simply said, it's a combination of Cheech and Chong's "Earache My Eye" meets Stacee Jaxx from "Rock of Ages."

Skid "The Kid" Vicious, a.k.a. "the voice that soars and beard that roars," "T-Bird" on guitarz and Cadillacz, M.C. G. Money, "Ba$$ in Yer Face," and "Rod Hotter = Skinz (drums), and Crashez & Killer "staches," comprise the group.

Photo courtesy of The Mullet Boyz

Thrillogy Entertainment CEO and manager for the band, Ricky Wolking, jokingly, said, "They mostly play anything heard 'round a trailer park--you know--Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard; the songs you loved from the 70s, 80s, and 90s."

Overall, the show is a trip back in time, and has been compared to "Pabst Blue Ribbon meets Kentucky Deluxe with a little bit of 1984 IROC-Z mixed in for good measure." 

Although this band does not write or play any original music, they know how to have a good time, emulating their influences and making light of things to put all at ease and leave fans wanting more.

"This is their third time playing this club, and each time, they've been very well received," added Wolking. 

Photo courtesy of The Mullet Boyz

"Rod Hotter," percussionist, said, "We always look forward to coming to San Angelo and are a party rockin' band. It's great when everyone starts singing along, especially the younger crowd, as it's so important that future generations know what 'good' music is. Our band is so diverse; we play everything from Sir Mix-a-Lot to Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing,' and the crowds love it. On occasion, we'll dip our toes into Country music, but really stay with the rock hits from the 70s through 90s; you know, the music we grew up on."

He added, "We switch out with the vocals, where (for instance) G Money will rap and then someone else will do a Guns N' Roses tune, and then maybe another will take lead on an AC/DC song. We also love hanging out with the fans after the show, don't mind taking photos, do some autographing, and have been known to have a beverage or two; after all, the best drinks are the free ones, aren't they?" 

photo courtesy of Neitha Tatum

Having been compared to a "clean" version of "Steel Panther" or "Spinal Tap," these guys have a great sense of humor, are talented musicians and are sure to put on a good show. Gather up the friends and family; get there early to claim your seats for the evening; grab a bite from the club's extensive menu; and prepare to be thoroughly entertained. 

Photo courtesy of The Mullet Boyz

For more information on the Mullet Boyz, check out their Facebook page, many YouTube videos, and Also, be sure to check out Shenanigans' Facebook page and its website for upcoming events at http://www.shenaniganssportsbartx.n….

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