Straight from the Heart Blood Drive April 1 - 15


SAN ANGELO – Cecil A. Ross Investment and Insurance is sponsoring the annual Straight From the Heart Blood Drive April 1 – 15.  Donors will receive entry to win the Grand Prize Package valued at $500!

New and existing donors are encouraged to make an appointment to donate.  Patients in Shannon Medical Center are counting on residents in San Angelo and surrounding areas to donate the blood they need to stay alive!

Blood donors only need to be at least 16 years old, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be healthy.  16 – 22 year old donors will need to meet additional height and weight requirements. 16 year old donors must present a minor donor permit signed by a parent or guardian – go to to find the form.

Donors get Free sandwich coupon courtesy of Chick Fil A PLUS entry to win the Grand Prize Package valued at $500:  LaRae Russell Photography Gift Certificate, Cork & Pig Gift Card and San Angelo Performing Arts Center Gift Card.

Vitalant Donation Center  2020 W. Beauregard

Hours of operation:  Mon, Tues and Wed                         9 am – 6 pm

                                    Thursday                                           Noon – 7 pm

                                    Fri & Sat                                             7:30 am – 3 pm

Mobile Blood Drives

Wed, April 12   Cecil A Ross Investment & Insurance  8:30 am – 11:30 am

5301 Knickerbocker Rd.  Call Becky Ross @ 325-949-3200

Sat, April 15  St Paul Baptist Church                               10 am – 2 pm

1011 Martin Luther King Dr  Call Michelle Chinn @ 325-655-3498

Appointments Encouraged Call 877-258-4825. or download the Vitalant app

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