State of the Union: Administration Allows Chinese Spy Balloon


WASHINGTON D.C. – The Chinese Government has admitted it has a spy balloon flying over sovereign United States airspace and the Democratic Administration is Washington is doing nothing to stop it.  

Fox News is reporting the U.S. would well within its rights to shoot the spy balloon down.

"We have the absolute legal right to take it down," said Cully Stimson, a 30-year veteran of the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and a senior legal fellow and manager of the National Security Law Program at the Heritage Foundation.

"From a rules-of-engagement standpoint, we have the absolute legal authority under domestic and international law to take this down," he added. "We’re legally on very, very solid ground."

 Victoria Coates, a senior research fellow for international affairs and security at the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, said that China has said that it is building these surveillance balloons and is most likely testing the U.S. to see what kind of reaction it gets with the intrusion.

Coates said it is no coincidence that the balloon is hovering near U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile fields and said that China can’t be believed when it says it’s collecting weather data.

"This really tests the bounds of credulity, given their past behavior," she said.

What do you think about a Chinese spy balloon flying freely in US airspace?  Comment below. 

Chinese Spy Balloon in US Airspace 2/2023 (Courtesy/ Fox News)

Chinese Spy Balloon in US Airspace 2/2023 (Courtesy/ Fox News)

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I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised if it is carrying much more than cameras and weather instrumentation. Although I did hear a military official call the balloon 'maneuverable', I fail to see how it could do anything more than change altitude. Balloons are at the mercy of the prevailing winds, and are therefore an extremely inefficient spy platform, plus China has the technology and ability to spy on us with satellites, just as we spy on them. I strongly suspect the spy balloon accusations are political posturing meant to get some kind of result in our negotiations on various topics. But.... like I said, I could be wrong.

"What do you think about a Chinese spy balloon flying freely in US airspace?  Comment below. "

And I wont be censored this time?

Because the EXACT SAME THING happened under trump also,

But, I'm am sure I will be censored again since I go against your narrative.

SO did trump, 3 times!

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