LIVE! Daily News | Angry Girlfriend Heads to Prison

On today’s LIVE! Daily News, the deadline to file for a place on the march primary ballot has passed, we’ll tell you who filed and who’s running. One woman is sent to jail for a hammer attack and another is going to prison for running over her boyfriend in the parking lot of a notorious bar in the city. Also, Chadwick gives us his predictions for the State High School Football championships that start tomorrow at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. For the interview segment, Chef Tim Condon of the Angry Cactus delights the palate of LIVE!'s Matt Cutrer.

Here are the LIVE! Daily News stories for today:

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Just a humble observation here, but... shouldn't the boyfriend who was run over go to prison for damaging this woman's car with his person when they collided? Did anyone think to check why she was angry and whether he should be sent to prison (or possibly executed) for making her that way?

I've got to make a stand here. These chicken-feed, kitty-bottomed "men" just aren't what they used to be back in the days of the full-on patriarchal subjugation of women! No doubt, the agents of The Patriarchy® convened in some smokey backroom with their ornate robes and secret rituals to make this happen!

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