Tucker is Back!


BRYANT POND, ME — Tucker Carlson, who was unceremoniously taken off the air on Fox News and Fox Nation on April 24, is back! Days after Twitter head Elon Musk announced that Twitter Blue subscribers ($8 per month) could upload two-hour long videos, Tucker Carlson uploaded his first episode of his independent show to Twitter on June 6 at 5 p.m. central time.

In the inaugural Twitter episode, Carlson talks about the dam in Ukraine being blown up and the political fallout that will emerge. In the 10:27-minute show, Carlson spares no one who are serving lies to us in “steamy portions.” And we have to be lied to for a decade of years to believe the incredible untruths being forced on the American people.

“Secrecy is a powerful tool of control,” Carlson argued. We are being “Manipulated by lies and silenced by taboos,” Carlson said. He promised to be back with the next episode soon.

The show was filmed in a rustic location that resembles his rustic Fox Nation studio in Bryant Pond, Maine.

Watch episode 1 of “Tucker on Twitter” here:

Tucker Carlson re-emerged in the public square on Twitter on June 6, 2023.

Tucker Carlson re-emerged in the public square on Twitter on June 6, 2023.

Updated views on the Ep. 1 of Tucker on Twitter: As of Wednesday, June 7, 16.5 hours later, the Twitter video had exceeded 73.6 million views.

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