WATCH: Senator Cornyn Delivers Money to Open San Angelo Schools Amid Pandemic

SAN ANGELO, TX – United States Senator John Cornyn visited Angelo State on Monday to see the results of the C.A.R.E.S Act in San Angelo. During his visit, the senator spoke with a number of students who benefited from the funding. 

The Senator started the day, on August 17, touring ASU classrooms and then handing out face masks to students. 

"My impression is that students are really glad to be returning to shool and resuming their education," said Sen. Cornyn. "I know the lock downs and litigation efforts that we have all participated in were necessary but after awhile you get a little stir crazy and you just want to get out and about but we all want to do our part to stop the spread." 

Joining Sen. Cornyn were a number of local officials including San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter, Tom Green County Judge Steve Floyd, newly appointed President of ASU General Ronnie Hawkins, and Superintendent of the San Angelo ISD Dr. Carl Dethloff. All of these thanked the Senator for fighting for the San Angelo community and obtaining much needed coronavirus relief money. 

"Those funds that are allotted to San Angelo ISD, over $2.8 million, that will strategically and fundamentally allow us to start school on Wednesday," said Dethloff. "With PPE devices we have over 74,000 masks that were purchased, over 2,500 face shields, so it is because of these funds we are allowed to operate our school system"

Sen Cornyn finished his day at ASU by reminding the crowds that he wasn't done yet and will continue to fight the people of west Texas. 

"So we know that there is still need out there and we didn't know how long this virus was going to be a problem," finished Sen. Cornyn. "We now know that people still need some help and I still remain hopeful that we will get our act together and we will pass additional aid for all of the various people that have been effected either from the public health consequences or from the economic consequences." 


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Every six years it's the same thing, "I'll fight for West Texas"! They all say the same thing, from both parties. But we are as isolated as ever. How about better roads, healthcare, schools. I wonder how much his tax cut was. He made alot of money beginning in 2016.

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