Pastor Gary Jenkins Announces His Candidacy for Tom Green County Judge

SAN ANGELO, TX — Gary Jenkins, a San Angelo Police Chaplain, pastor and president of the ADACCV Board of Directors announced his candidacy as an independent candidate for Tom Green County Judge Saturday morning.

Jenkins said, "It is an honor to serve God and the people of Tom Green County in this arena." Adding that he knew he was convicted to run for county judge when he could not sleep when mulling over the decision.

Jenkins has headed the Gospel America TV Network since 2003. The worldwide ministry is available on streaming and mobile apps and he has attracted a sizable following.

Because he is not running with a political party, Jenkins will need to collect 500 signatures to get on the ballot after the Republican and Democrat Primary elections have elected each party's candidate. If the field of four Republican candidates is undecided and goes into a runoff following the March 1, 2022 Primary Election, the runoff date is May 24, 2022. That means Jenkins will have about three weeks to gather his signatures by the deadline of June 13, 2022 to get onto the November 2022 ballot. 

Watch as he announces his candidacy on the steps of the Tom Green County Courthouse on Saturday, December 11, 2021.

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