What A Custom Made Cowboy Hat Can Say About a Man

SAN ANGELO, TX — Cody May has been custom-making cowboy hats for 24 years at his shop at at 701 N. Main Street on the north side of the Houston Harte Expressway in downtown San Angelo.

“You can tell a lot about a guy by his hat,” May said. “You can also be fooled by a guy with a hat, too.”

Cody’s Hats are the authentic, real deal. His passion is creating hats for working cowboys. But he has also made hats and boots for an A-list of celebrities, mostly celebrity rodeo cowboys.

May said custom hats and boots take longer than purchasing factory-made versions at the western wear store. They also cost much more. But May said his customers believe its worth the wait and the extra cost.

At the same time, his goal is to produce a custom hat within 30 days and produce a custom-ordered pair of boots within 90 days.

“Custom work will stay strong,” he said. “Handmade hats and boots. They last so much longer. Once they’ve had a handmade hat to handmade boots, they don’t go back to the factory stuff.”

Angelo MRI sponsored this article.

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