Republic Completes Trash Cart Distribution, Announces Pickup Schedule


Republic Services has completed delivery of the 96-gallon trash bins that will be used when new trash services launch Monday, July 20.

Residential customers who have not received their carts should call Republic Services, the city’s contract garbage collection provider, at 325-481-7700. Customers must provide their account number, which is found on the monthly municipal services statement (aka the “water bill”) so Republic can verify they have trash service. Customers can also access their account numbers by calling the city’s Water Customer Service Division at 325-657-4323.

If a customer is found not to have received their bins, Republic will deliver the carts this week.

[[{"fid":"13745","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Republic Services trash pickup schedule. (Image/COSA)","title":"Republic Services trash pickup schedule. (Image/COSA)","height":"593","width":"487","class":"media-element file-default"}}]]

Above: The pickup schedule for trash and recyclables. For the full-size image, click here.

Each residential customer has received a tan cart for garbage and a green cart for recyclables. Each cart will be emptied on the same day once a week.

At, customers can learn their collection day and access information regarding proper cart placement, a list of recyclables, instructive videos and interviews, and forms for disability exemptions and additional carts.

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But does anyone know what we are supposed to do with the old carts? I work nights, so I haven't been able to go to the meetings. I tried calling republic, but 10 minutes on hold was plenty.

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"Seattle became one of the first cities in the nation to penalize residents for sorting poorly. If, on inspection, more than 10 percent of a garbage can’s contents should have properly been in another kind of bin, the trash collector can pin a bright red tag on the offender’s receptacle. Financial penalties have been authorized but not yet levied. A primary goal of the policy is to keep people from throwing food and recyclable materials into trash cans."

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