San Angelo Children Need Angels This Holiday Season


The San Angelo Salvation Army is bringing Christmas Angels to the Concho Valley, and starting today, the agency set up the Angel Tree in the kiosk at Sunset Mall.

“To date, we have roughly 1,200 kids as far as angels that need to be adopted so far,” said Major Grider with the agency. “We still have one more day of the application process, so there may be more. In doing this, the community can come out and help with an angel to adopt it.”

Grider also stated the Angel Tree location “is the best location we have ever had!”

Angel Tree(LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

Above: Majors Tim R. & Cheryl W. Grider with The Salvation Army set up the Angel Tree at Sunset Mall.

When someone adopts an angel, he or she is committed to buying a present for that particular child in need. The person simply has to pick an angel ornament, make the purchase and drop off the gift to The Salvation Army at the mall. Every night the gifts are picked up and taken to the warehouse to be prepped for distribution.

Grider, his wife Cheryl Grider, and volunteers from Goodfellow AFB will distribute the gifts the Saturday before Christmas.

Grider added that volunteers vary every to year, and they are always looking for extra help. Volunteers are especially needed to sit at the table next to the tree to help provide information and assistance.

“That's where we fall short” claimed Major Tim.

The Salvation Army will be set up at the mall for the next two weeks. The hours for the agency are 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon. through Sat., and 1p.m. – 7 p.m. on Sunday. For people with questions, or who wish to volunteer, call Major Tim Grider or Major Cheryl Grider at 325-655-6981.

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