Construction Commences on Jackson Street


SAN ANGELO, TX - The Jackson Street project officially kicked off Tuesday, bringing in a phase of construction that will see improvements and upgrades to the thoroughfare. 

Commencing on January 2 and set to run until February 19, the project aims to enhance the infrastructure along Jackson Street, with an anticipated completion date set for late July 2024.

To facilitate the necessary utility work, the road will undergo repairs, resulting in a temporary reduction of traffic to two lanes— one lane in each direction. 

This alteration is expected to ensure smooth access for construction crews as they undertake essential tasks.

The affected stretch of Jackson Street is located southeast and north of the Knickerbocker Road intersection. 

Motorists and pedestrians alike are advised to plan for potential delays during this period and to exercise caution when navigating the reduced lanes.

Despite the ongoing construction, businesses within the designated road closures remain open. 

Authorities have assured the public that efforts will be made to maintain access to these establishments.

The Jackson Street project is driven by the need for utility work, according to information from the city. 

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