City of Brownwood Braces for Flooding


The National Weather Service is predicting ¾ - 1 inch rainfall on the Lake Brownwood water shed tonight, reports Brownwood City Manager Emily Crawford. There is high likelihood that Lake Brownwood will peak at approximately 1428 feet tomorrow afternoon, she said.

Brownwood is taking precautions.

Riverside Park and Fabis Park were closed at 3 p.m. today due to high water. The City of Brownwood will establish a sand bag distribution site if needed.

As updates are available, watch the City of Brownwood website, City of Brownwood and Brownwood/Brown County Emergency Management Facebook pages, and Code Red alerts.

Businesses, residences and properties prone to flooding should take precautionary measures.

The weather forecast for Lake Brownwood area calls for a 60 percent chance of rain later Wednesday and an 80 percent chance of rain, with rain showers most of Thursday. 

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