Tragedy Strikes Odessa as Deadly Fire Claims a Life


ODESSA, TX - Odessa Fire Rescue faced a challenging situation early this morning when responding to a fire in the 6500 block of N. Cypress Ave.

The fire ignited at around 2 a.m., drawing the response of OFR personnel. 

Upon arrival, they encountered a mobile home fully engulfed in flames.

OFR crews knocked down the fire.

However, a bed-bound victim was found in an area that had been fully engulfed. 

Tragically, another individual had to be rushed to the hospital due to smoke inhalation.

Authorities have yet to determine the cause of the fire.

“To keep you and your family safe, ensure your surroundings are clear of flammable items, check smoke detectors regularly, and have a fire escape plan,” information from the City of Odessa stated.

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