Texas Grocery Store Installs Ammo Vending Machine


CANYON LAKE, TX - Shoppers in Canyon Lake can now purchase ammunition alongside their groceries, thanks to the installation of a computerized vending machine at a local Lowe’s Market.

An "American Rounds" vending machine is now operational at the grocery store on Sattler Road. The company claims its automated ammo dispensers are designed to offer convenience, security, and innovation in ammunition purchasing.

According to American Rounds, these machines are said to be as easy to use as an ATM.

Information states that the dispensers are equipped with AI technology, including card scanning and facial recognition software, to verify the identity and age of each buyer. This, they claim, ensures compliance with federal and local regulations. 

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Heaven, please continue to bless Texas thusly, the greatest nation on this planet Earth! May the Yankee devils continue to cower and tremble at our might as they scheme and plot behind concrete walls beneath the surface of our world.

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