White SUV Engaged in Demolition Derby at Walmart


SAN ANGELO, TX — A woman in her 20s in a white Hyundai Tucson SUV plowed into at lest two other vehicles in the parking lot of the Walmart SuperCenter at 3440 S Bryant Blvd.

When police arrived, they saw the white SUV, ran to it, opened the door and turned it off. The woman’s two-month-old child was in the backseat of the SUV.

Police said the child was safely taken inside the air conditioned store and they had contacted the woman’s family. The SUV driver was rushed to Shannon ER. No one else was injured and the cars hit were unoccupied. Police said they are also attempting to find the owners of the damaged vehicles who are presumably still shopping inside the Walmart.

Hyundai Engaged in Demolition Derby at Walmart

Hyundai Engaged in Demolition Derby at Walmart

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