Sheriff: Standard-Times Leaves Suspicious Package Behind Courthouse


Wednesday morning, a suspicious package left behind the Sterling County courthouse in Sterling City caused a similar response that happened in downtown San Angelo Tuesday morning. It was feared that it could be a bomb, since both discoveries happened within hours of each other.

According to Sterling County Sheriff Tim Sanders, an unknown package or box was reported behind the courthouse where the employees arrive for work each morning. “It wasn’t anything like what ya’ll had (in San Angelo),” Sanders said.

Below, the mapped location of the incident.

The Sheriff asked the Midland Police Department’s bomb disposal unit to respond. “Because Abilene’s was in San Angelo,” Sanders said.

The package was opened and inside were magazines being delivered by the San Angelo Standard-Times.

[[{"fid":"15783","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Contenets of the suspicious pqckage left behind on the Sterling County Courthouse, after the Midland Bomb squad inspected it.","title":"Contenets of the suspicious pqckage left behind on the Sterling County Courthouse, after the Midland Bomb squad inspected it.","height":"541","width":"970","class":"media-element file-default"}}]]

“I’ve talked to (San Angelo) Police Chief Tim Vasquez and confirmed that the incidents are not connected. I also confirmed with the Standard-Times that they did in fact drop off a package,” Sanders said.

The Standard-Times circulation department telephone went to voicemail when called at 6:15 p.m. this evening.

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Wow! Under normal conditions, the media, through tech, sound effects, content, misinformation, disinformation, news crew voice minipulation, etc. have been slapping us silly with fear for well over two decades. High ratings/advertising dollars demand no less. These days, any other kind of performance would not be the norm. This incident, however, launches us into a new paradigm, where the media "literally" terrorizes the masses. Better not cancel your subscription and "tick" them off...........

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