Abilene Police Arrest Suspect as Alleged Bizarre Serial Rapist


ABILENE, TX -- Abilene Police say they have arrested a suspect in four attempted rapes over the last two days. 

The bizarre attacks began Wednesday in Abilene according to police.  The "random" attacks happened between 12:50 p.m. Wednesday and 8:35 a.m. Thursday.

KTXS reported the suspect is a black male in his late 20’s or early 30’s. He’s approximately 5’8” tall with a medium build. He has an afro that is about half an inch tall and pock marks under his eyes.

38-year-old Joshua Day was arrested and charged with four counts of attempted sexual assault. 

One of the victims told police she defended herself by kicking him repeatedly.

Day was ultimately identified after police say he harassed a woman at a city bus stop.

Day's bond was set at $55,500.00.

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It's too bad that none of the women attacked did not exercise their right to carry. Ease the burden on the meth- overloaded court system and ultimate justice for this barbarian.

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