Middle School Teacher Sentenced for Repeated S*x With a 14-Year-Old Student


MIAMI, FL— A former middle school teacher has been charged with six counts of having sex with a 14-year-old student repeatedly, which she has pleaded guilty to and has been sentenced.

The defendant's name is Brittiny Lopez-Murray and teaches Drama class at Hialeah Middle School. She was arrested two years ago. 

A local news station reported the charges she admitted to including lewd and lascivious molestation of a child, lewd and lascivious battery, and electronic transmission harmful to minors. Lopez-Murray was also sentenced for her crimes, which her victim's family approved.

The 33-year-old woman got 10 years probation and two years of community control and will also have to register as a sex offender and attend different programs for sex offender rehabilitation. 

The police report from 2021 said Lopez-Murray reached out to the teen, who was then attending high school, and they had sex in her car.

Police said she was caught after the boy's sister became suspicious of his behavior, and then saw "explicit text messages and photos" on his phone.

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What drives these women to do this? What is happening in our society? What does this mean for the future of education in America? What results will predatory female sexuality reap upon the next generation?

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