Dealing with Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in San Angelo


When it comes to teenage pregnancy rates, Texas ranks #5 in the nation; however, when it comes to subsequent births where teenage girls, ages 15 -19, have more than one child, Texas ranks #1 at 22 percent.

According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, since it’s peak in 1991, teenage pregnancies have dropped nationwide by 57 percent through 2013; however, the CDC stated that the number of teenage pregnancies rose in three states from 2012 – 2013, and Texas was one of them. Overall, the U.S., based on information from The National Campaign, maintains the highest teenage pregnancy rate among developed nations despite the decline.

Texas, on the other hand, witnessed a 48 percent change in teen pregnancy rates since 1991 and ranks #37 for change. Hispanics and Blacks make up 57 percent of teen births in 2013 overall. Hispanics, however, who make up 38 percent of the state’s population, have a higher repeat rate of teenage pregnancies, explained the Houston Public Media Foundation (HPMF). Not to mention, on a national level, teenage pregnancy costs an estimated $11 billion per year based on

  • An increase cost in health care and foster care;
  • Increased incarceration rates among children of teen parents;
  • Lower educational attainment and income among teen mothers.

In Texas, taxpayers pay over an estimated $1 billion per year for this problem, and many people argue the Abstinence Only programs aren’t working because of the multitude of factors that play a role in this national problem.

“Teenage pregnancy is closely linked to a host of other critical issues—poverty and income, overall child well-being, out-of-wedlock births, responsible fatherhood, health issues, education, child welfare and other risky behaviors,” stated The National Campaign.

Additionally, studies show that teenage parents are at great risk of continuing the cycle of living life in poverty and struggling.  

Only 38 percent of teenage girls who have a child before 18 get a degree stated the national site, and many of these girls have their children out of wedlock, fail to remain with the fathers of their children, fail to obtain a higher education, and instead, repeat the cycle of poverty and social problems. In addition, one-quarter of teen mothers go on welfare within three years of a child’s birth, said HPMF.

However, that doesn’t mean there’s no hope, and if one local agency has its way, the little successes speak volumes for the teenage mothers and fathers in San Angelo who fall into the realm of teenage pregnancy statistics.

Healthy Families Provides the Help Young Families Need

Since 1992, Healthy Families San Angelo has provided the tools, resources and environment young and overburdened families need to overcome the burdens that come with being a teen parent, including poverty and a lack of education.

“Our goal at Healthy Families is, of course, to build healthy families as our name states,” said Sarah Eckel, director of Communications & Development.

By building healthy families, the people at the non-profit agency help young parents, ages 14 through 20, become productive adults who can contribute to the San Angelo and other West Texas communities, and to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for children.

According to the agency’s website, HFSA’s goals include:

  • Increasing social support systems
  • Enhancing parents’ capacity to provide family support
  • Expanding problem-solving and life-coping skills

Eckel explained that HFSA has assisted many families throughout the years, and the agency doesn’t just assist overburdened young parents in San Angelo.

“We service 18 counties across West Texas,” she noted. “We’re very busy.”

Eckel stated, in most cases, the Family Coaches at HFSA go out to the families’ homes once a week during the program, and young mothers can start receiving services during their pregnancy. When the child is born, the coaches help with cognitive development and provides parents with family planning, resources and tools these young mothers and fathers need to finish high school, get involved with higher learning and obtain employment.

“We work with them until graduation, which occurs when the child turns two,” said D’Lyn Culp, a supervisor of Family Support Workers. However, Culp noted that coaches will continue to work with families after graduation.

During their time with HFSA, families have access to eight Family Support Services programs that include the following:

  • Dads Make a Difference Program
  • Healthy Families Curricula
  • Home Visitation
  • Couple Time
  • Building Strong Families Project
  • Commercial Driver’s License
  • WIA Program
  • Mom’s Group

Families also get to enjoy eight special events that allows parents to participate in their children’s social development and build friendships with other family members and staff members. In fact, families are about to enjoy the annual Families’ Halloween Party, which is the agency’s own fall-festival-style event.

Dads Do Make a Difference

The staff at HFSA believe both the mother and father play a vital role in a child’s life, so they work hard to ensure young fathers have the tools do so.

“We don't just help fathers who live in the household,” Culp said. “We also help fathers in co-parenting relationships, and we show them the importance of playing an active role in their child's life. We also talk to the mothers about the importance of that role.”

According to the HFSA website, the Dad’s Make a Difference Program promotes fathers’ emotional connection to and financial support of their children. No one can argue that fathers play a “unique and irreplaceable role” in the lives of their children, so Healthy Families helps make “responsible fatherhood a reality.”

Within a few days of a child's birth, an HFSA staff member will contact the father and invite him to participate in any or all of the program activities. Coaches also help fathers develop rapport, begin the trust-building process and encourage them to build on existing strengths.

“Programs focused on ensuring the well being and success of children and families cannot afford to be naïve or inattentive regarding the impact associated with father involvement,” stated the HFSA website. “The best way to help families achieve positive outcomes for children is to engage both parents in the active involvement in their children's lives regardless of whether the parents live together or not. Research indicates that children raised without an involved father are more vulnerable socially and economically than other children.”

For more information about the Dads Make a Difference Program, click here.

The Healthy Families Curricula

Eckel explained that the Healthy Families curriculum focuses on the milestones of childhood development. This focus occurs from birth to 36 months, and until parents can guide that development. Although families graduate when the child is two, as stated, coaches remain in contact at least once a month afterward to ensure the further development of the child and success of the family.

“By the time a child is three, the brain is almost the size of an adult, so it’s important to stimulate the brain’s neurons,” stated Eckel. “Those milestones are critical to the child’s development.”

To keep track of that development, the HFSA website notes that a Home Visitor/coach will carry a three-ring notebook “containing photos, keepsakes and milestones in the baby’s life.”

“This notebook becomes a treasure for the family to keep and a valuable reference guide for raising future children,” noted the website. “Building the notebook together also helps the Home Visitor establish a positive, caring relationship with the parents.”

Eckel stated that Healthy Families is a national organization, but each agency functions on its own. However, the national organization provides a center for the agencies, and the curricula used is based on international family support programs.

“All are simple to understand, interactive, and enjoyable--a must in engaging new parents,” stated the agency’s website. “They are designed for use in home visits, office visits, or in group settings.”

The parenting curriculum developed by Healthy Families San Angelo is being used in 700 programs in the U.S. and Canada and has been translated into three different languages. The Dads Make a Difference program was the first family-centered fathering program in the U.S., and many of the components of the program are being replicated in 49 sites across the U.S. and Canada; plus, it has been recognized as one of the top 12 most effective programs in the U.S., stated the agency’s website.

A Rewarding Career

Both Eckel and Culp said the staff at Healthy Families are passionate about their job, so there’s not a lot of turnover. In fact, Eckel is fairly new to the group. She comes from Oklahoma, but has worked with non-profits for many years.

“I love it,” she said about her position with Healthy Families. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

She also said that for her, the rewarding part of the job is witnessing the families reach a new milestone.

“That milestone can be a baby taking those first steps or saying that first word,” she said.

Culp, who has been with HFSA for 17 years, said, “I have seen many interesting things. For me, it’s the small successes, even though to some people, [they] may not be a big thing.”

Culp added that she has witnessed many wonderful small successes in her time with the agency, and although she drives all over West Texas and has a hectic schedule, she too wouldn’t change a thing.

How to Become a Part of Healthy Families

Being a young mother and father can be more than challenging. It’s also not uncommon for these parents to feel like the world is against them, but Healthy Families wants them to know they’re not alone, and they have the resources, tools and nurturing support these parents need to build their own healthy families and to lead successful lives. Although HFSA works with local schools and other agencies for client referrals, many people learn about the program by word of mouth, so there's no right or wrong way to start the program. 

For more information about Healthy Families San Angelo and all the services it provides, the events families enjoy, and how it can help young families overall, visit Eckel and Culp noted that interested families may want to call the office directly at (325) 658-2771. 

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According to the CDC 40% of all live births are now to single women. It's been at 40+ percent every year since 2008. That rate has doubled just since the mid-1980's. From 1930 to 1970 it was under 10%. Single mothers remain one of the most poverty-stricken demographics across the country.

While it's become popular to make fun of the "Abstinence Only" hicks, the last time I checked there's only one way to get pregnant. We're talking about kids having kids. Our parents weren't buying us rubbers or BC pills in the 70's. We knew getting a girl pregnant would ruin our future. When it happened it was scandalous, although the instances were few & far between. So why is 40% an acceptable number now for out-of-wedlock births? Why is birth control a political issue? Why did Obama encourage single women to "Vote With Your Lady Parts"? The answer isn't "Abstinence Only". It never has been. But this is a societal problem when we're looking for answers after the fact instead of trying to prevent the problem.

Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depends On It. Obama didn't actually verbalize this in a speech. It was presented in the form of an ecard from someone on his campaign staff. Who said it was for Single Ladies? Still wondering how you linked Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depends On It, to this article?

To answer your question, everything is political now. This was a feel-good story about what's being done by HFSA, but out-of-wedlock births and teen pregnancy are the end results of a country in decline. Exit polling showed that younger married & single women did indeed vote with their lady parts. Hell of way to choose a chief executive and CiC. Care to respond to the meat of my post, why 40% of all live births are born to single women nowadays and we seem to be alright with that?

And by the way, that eCard was Tweeted out on the official OFA account. Not sure why the medium is important. It was still tacky & reduced women to their private parts. I did not need a correction.

I agree with you WTI-but I would also add it's quite ironic that Texas, being as religious and right wing as it is, would produce these kinds of stats, and at the same time cut funding to PP. Hmmmm.......And, in other news, one of Rick Perry's slush-fund supported biotech firms has announced a cure for PDS-"Preacher's Daughter Syndrome". Thus, these stats should be dropping real soon...................The fact of the matter is--you are dead right about our decline--there's rot at all levels, and we're beginning to pay the bills now. I think most of our troubles come down to priorities. I've seen reports about state senators using tax payer money to have extended legislative brawls trying to pass bills that would stop Playgirl or Playboy magazines from being sold at U.S. Commissary base stores all over the world. I've seen a city council in Michigan order a resident to knock down a snow sculpture in the shape of a greek woman with breast exposed, no arms, mid section up (like the kind we buy in stores) that he built after a heavy snow storm. Or--the city council that outlawed g-string bikinis at a public swimming pool. Frankly speaking, we're bleeding this country of blood and treasure, all while our elected officials run around with the most prudent, backwards priorities any modern nation such as ours has ever seen. Like it or not--most countries like ours don't have problems with nudity, i.e plenty of nude beaches, coed saunas with or without towels, sexual orientation and education beginning in kindergarten with books with cartoon character-type pics of Moms and Dads and the entrie family nakade teaching them body parts, etc., prisoners get conjugal visits on a regular basis, etc., etc. and they all have far lower rape, teen pregnancy, std stats, etc., etc. and do not discriminate against gays, etc. to the point where we do at all levels. They are, for the very most part--considered a very normal part of their communites--and are active and responsible members themselves. Don't forget--the stats are coming out now about gay divorce rates, happiness and success rates of kids raised by gays, etc.--and who'd of thought they hold their own, and in some areas do much better than a man and a woman. I might also add these right-wing religious Sexual Reorientation brainwashing programs aren't too, let's just say for lack of a better word--HEALTHY. The simple fact is--a European teenager is far more responsible and mature when it comes to condom use, nudity, alcohol (they are taught to respect it and most parents let them begin drinking wine at a young age at dinner) etc. and has a better grasp of the world than one of our own. They are light years apart--and it'll take a couple of generations to fix our problem. BTW: Abbott's not going to turn those numbers around--he's nothing but smoke and mirrors and knee-deep in his own religious zealotry to keep the masses dumbed-down.

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