San Angelo Riverside Skatepark Needs Donations for Upgrades


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Riverside Skatepark is appealing for donations to repair and upgrade its deteriorating facilities.

This was announced today through, and the Early Giving period is open now through May 7, 2024. 

According to Skate Angelo, the skatepark requires updates to prevent injuries and maintain safety standards. 

"Your investment in us helps to ensure that the local skater's safety is a top priority," information from Skate Angelo stated. "We are providing them with a well-maintained space where they can participate in a positive physical activity such as skateboarding, inline skating, or BMX riding without the risk of injury from faulty equipment."

Skate Angelo appreciates all contributions, regardless of size, and expresses gratitude for the community's continued support. 

For more information or to donate, please visit

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How about installing a park fee. After all nobody rides for free(unless you're an illegal). Ya'll freeloaders need to stop asking for handouts.

Isn't Trump asking for donations for his legal fees?  🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡

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