Evidence Gathered for Capital Murder Case as Trial Date Approaches


Isidro Delacruz, who is accused of capital murder of a child under 10 years of age, attended another pretrial this afternoon in Jude Ben Woodward’s 119th district court. Today, District Attorney Allison Palmer and defense attorney William Boyles mostly discussed the evidence being processed for the trial and motions to be considered in the future.

The pretrial was scheduled for 1:30 p.m., but the lawyers and judge apparently met in Woodward’s quarters until the pre-trial began at around 2:45 p.m. Woodward mentioned that Boyles has filed motions that have yet to be addressed by the court. Boyles even filed new motions this morning; the judge and defense attorney agreed that it was too soon to consider these particular motions in court. Boyles also filed a second motion for continuance.

CPS records are due to be ready the 20th, which is too soon before Delacruz’s jury panel on the 29th for the court to analyze the information. Therefore, the judge gave CPS a continuance on the records. Likewise, Palmer pointed out that some evidence is still being processed that is needed for the trial.

The judge set the next pre-trial for Delacruz’s case for August 9 at 10:00 a.m. Woodward said that he would review the motion of continuance before the next pre-trial and may even rule on the motion before the pre-trial begins. Boyles’ constitutional motions will also be addressed in the next pre-trial.

“The last thing we want to do is try this case twice,” Woodward said.

Delacruz is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend’s 5 year-old daughter on September 2, 2014. To read more about Delacruz and his growing list of pre-trial hearings, check San Angelo LIVE!’s previous articles. 

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